Aircraft Fire Detection System Connector cleaner. This material is suggested by the manufacture as the preferred cleaning solvent for use with Hermetic Connectors. D-5695NS is totally non-ozone depleting. The product delivers an uncontaminated, ultra-filtered stream of methanol to the exact area desired. It has been successfully utilized in avionic stops for general cleaning of connectors, PC boards and miscellaneous parts cleaning D-5665NS is the prime choice as a replacement for our D-5625 (Freon TF) in avionic applications. Use D-5695NS to ensure mating connector is clean and dry prior to installation. Spray connector liberally and allow to dry, or accelerate drying with Sup Prep 5604 . Not for use on activated circuits due to flammability. The use of D-5695NS will assure quick delivery of uncontaminated ultra-filtered methanol (methyl alcohol) to exact area desired. Pinpoint accuracy is available with use of the extended tube fitment.